

Real-time Earthquake Information Consortium (REIC)



  The REIC was established to promote the utilization of real-time earthquake information obtained from the nationwide seismic networks, in order to build and employ systems for transmitting the information immediately and longitudinally. The information is formed for final users (e.g., related governmental agency, a private enterprise and general residents), so that they can use it effectively for disaster prevention. The consortium consists of organizations concerned with disaster mitigation, such as related ministries, local governments and private sectors.

  In fiscal 2003, the REIC will start its activities as a non-profit organization, and contribute to the construction of a base for utilizing real-time earthquake information to mitigate earthquake damage. It will also conduct activities for promoting the creation, distribution and application of the information to citizens, private companies, local governments and related administrative organizations for disaster mitigation measures.

Link: Real-time Earthquake Information Consortium (Japanese only)




National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention